Terry Talks

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Terry Talks


In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about engagement in the workplace. Terry talks about the decline in engagement and how this can affect an organization's overall growth. He talks about a solution that has been created in Ahria to help employers attract, retain and transition their employees. Check out today’s Terry Talks to find out more!

Leadership Today

In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about what leadership looks like today. Terry talks about what leaders look like today and how you can become a better leader for your team. Check out today’s Terry Talks to find out more!

WFH Burnout

In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about work from home burnout. In this week's talk, Terry talks about the best ways to deal with burnout, what causes it and how we can approach working from home to stay productive and happy while we work.

People Power Index

In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about the increase of employed individuals in the job market. He talks about the importance of a company’s employment branding and how the People Power Index can help your company attract, retain and transition in today's employment market.


In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about the increasing number of senior workers in the workforce. In this generation more than 20% of workers are 65 years old and above. So how can we best cater to this generation to make sure they are happy at work and are ready for retirement through your organization. Watch this week's Terry Talk to know how!


In this week's Terry Talk, Terry talks about adaptation in the new job market. In today’s world, we need to be a master in our craft and adapt to the changes in time. In this week’s Terry talk, he talks about how we can keep up with the changing job market to adapt and excel in our field of work.